Undertaking Australia’s renowned Overland Track in the depths of a Tasmanian winter was an experience I had long anticipated. Tales of knee-deep snow, biting winds, and frozen landscapes had set my expectations high for a challenging, intrepid expedition that would...
Tucked away in the high country of the Snowy Mountains are some hidden gems that are well worth a visit. The iconic, hidden huts of Kosciusko National Park were once a vital safety haven in a desolate landscape. Today they offer more than a resting place,...
Nepal is the top trekking destination in the world – FACT. With the vast Himalayan range running the length of the country, there’s nowhere on earth that slaps you in the face with a massive dose of the majestic outdoors like this mountain nation. For over 60...
Over the last few years the team from Best Life Adventures have ridden various sections of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail a number of times and always loved it. There’s something special about riding through the little towns, across waterways and through remote...
-45c is MUCH colder than -28c When the water pipes inside a house in northern Finland freeze, you know shit’s going down. In 2023 I experienced my coldest-ever temperature (-28c) crossing the frozen Kilpijärvi lake for four hours as we snowshoed in the pitch black...
After exploring Australia for over a decade, by land air and sea, I’ve fallen in love with human-powered journeys that involve water. Be that kayaking the length of the Great Barrier Reef, outrigging around the islands of the Torres Strait, or paddling the...