The ongoing global impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) is severely impacting both national and international travel. Best Life Adventures have now postponed all international expeditions until the end of 2020 and we will have to wait for further developments before making a decision on expeditions scheduled from 1 January 2021.
If your expedition is due to commence anytime from 1 January 2021, please know there are currently no changes to your adventure and it is still scheduled to start as planned. We will notify you directly if your trip has to be postponed.
As part of the precautions we take to ensure the safety of our adventurers, staff and suppliers, Best Life Adventures are continuing to carefully monitor national and world events and work closely with our overseas staff and suppliers. We base our decisions to operate expeditions on the official travel advisories issued by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs, local government authorities in each country, and a variety of other sources. During this ever-evolving and challenging coronavirus situation, we will do our best to keep you updated and supported and have expeditions running again when it is possible and safe.
Important information
As per our Terms and Conditions, please be aware that deposits paid at the time of booking are non-refundable, taking into consideration the investment Best Life Adventures has to make in planning and booking your trip. Best Life Adventure’s costs are incurred upfront in organising your trip, on your behalf. You will, however, receive a trip credit for future use to that value.
*Non-recoverable costs: for trips where we have already paid costs, Best Life Adventures will endeavour to obtain refunds from all its various suppliers on the ground to your advantage. Any unrecoverable costs, however, will be deducted against a future trip credit.
Airline bookings
Please check with your airline and flights invoice as to their policies for the air component of your journey. Each airline has different policies regarding transfers of dates and fees. It is strongly recommended that you first look at your airline’s website for updated information as there may be long call waiting times.
If you have any questions about your trip and options as they apply to your situation, please do not hesitate to contact us. I will be working from home and will respond to your communications as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
Ben Southall, on behalf of The Best Life Adventures Team
Update 30th March 2020
Hi Adventurer,
I don’t want to bore you with yet another C-19 related message – you all know what’s going on out there and its pretty crap for everyone around the planet especially if, like us, your business is built on taking adventurous people around the world.
So, for now, as a planet, we’ve been asked to go into hibernation – a state of inactivity adopted during harsh ‘winter’ months (A.K.A corona-induced business coma) from which Best Life Adventures will awaken brighter, fresher and with a voracious appetite for adventure – something we’ll all be yearning for, once we banish these troubles and start the regrowth.
After this life-embargo finishes, we want to help you find those low-lying ‘adventure’ fruits that are close to your front door (much as that re-emerging bear does) – local adventures designed to reignite face-to-face conversations that rebuild community and confidence in travel. It’ll be an amazing time to get outdoors with old friends and family and find some new ones.
I’ve got a few perfect low-cost ‘Anti-Virus Adventures’ up my sleeve, ready to roll out when the time is right which are a great way to restart your adventure mindset before committing to something bigger and further afield. Consider it all part of your adventure rehab!
In the meantime, we’ve pulled together some stories from our adventurous community to relieve the boredom and keep you inspired and thinking positively whilst we’re in hibernation:
- the story behind Anna; one of our repeat Venturers
- The Adventurepreneurs Guide to Living a Happy Life, and
- We Are Explorers Top 50 Adventure documentaries
Who knows what the coming days, weeks and months will bring? All we can do right now is enjoy the downtime, be with family and virtual-friends, and enjoy the fact that for once in our hectic lives, we’ve been forced to take our foot off the accelerator and actually spend time just ‘being’.
Keep smiling, wash those hands and use the time to reconnect with your tribe, your people and yourself. Sending warm, virtual hugs until I can get one for real 🙂
Yours Expeditionally,
Ben and the Best Life Adventures team