OUR Partners

Wild Earth

Playing hard in the great outdoors requires good gear and the right gear. The age-old adage of ’there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’ rings true for almost all of the locations our Best Life Adventure expeditions head to, from the Simpson Desert to the Arctic Circle, from the salt pans of Lake Eyre to the top of the Himalayas. The team at Wild Earth are the best in the business and provide their expert knowledge to weekend warriors and hardcore explorers alike, stocking and supplying Australia’s most comprehensive range of adventure gear. Their team provide customised Best Life Adventures equipment lists for all of our expeditions, built around affordable, high quality, comfortable, durable products that’ll get you through whatever we throw at you.


With a history of success on track, roads and trails all over the planet, their German-based design team have been getting the world on two wheels since the 1970’s. Best Life Adventures have partnered with them to launch our inaugural World’s Highest Road Cycle Challenge high in the Himalayas, and will be road testing their Silex+ 6000 gravel bike throughout this, and other endurance adventures.

99 Bikes

This Queensland-based company offer the perfect gateway into the cycle community and align with Best Life Adventures ethics and ideals – improve the health and well-being of the people they work with and find passionate people to be the face of your business. No confusing tech-speak to alienate you, just a business model that’s a simple as…riding a bike. Get instore, then get outdoors.


Best Life Adventures have partnered with YouLi as our digital adventure-based booking platform that streamlines and simplifies our customer experience, provides a slick electronic payment system, and creates a task management system to our adventurers to ensure they’re ready for their expedition
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